Notice of Ver. 2.0.10 distribution

September 25, 2024 UPDATE[JST]

The .2.0.10 distribution is scheduled 9/26 at 13:00 JST.

The following events are scheduled to be held after this distribution.

Scheduled Events

Random Boss Challenge every other day Starting at 15:00 on 9/26 JST, a high level stage will be held every other day.

This stage is very challenging, with 100 levels required.
It will open when the main 10 stages are completed.

Let's strengthen Denpa Men and do your best to get the treasure for defeating the boss and complete the Voucher!

And the following bugs will also be fixed.

Fixing Defects

Save&Quit data will be reset when the version is upgraded.

We apologise for the inconvenience, but please take action such as finishing the adventure in advance.

Thank you for your continued support of THE NEW DENPA MEN.

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