Notice of Ver. 4.0.0 distribution

March 6, 2025 UPDATE[JST]

Ver 4.0.0 is scheduled to be released on Mar. 10, 11:00 JST
Update to Ver. 4.0.10 will be done at the same time.
In this update, we have retranslated the English text overall to make it more natural.
We are still reviewing some parts, but we plan to continue making updates in the future.

New event stage "Monster Colosseum" !

The first event is scheduled for March 17th at 15:00 JST. Stay tuned!

  ※ After the first time, the event is planned to be held on a regular basis.

The event stage "Phantom Emperor's CaveⅡ" appears!

Something has seemed to change..!
The next event is scheduled for April 4th at 15:00 JST. Stay tuned!

  ※ The event stage "Phantom Emperor's CaveⅡ"will appear after clearing Main Stage 10.

Event Chip Exchange Opens!

The exchange will open on March 17th at 15:00 JST, where you can exchange "Event Chips" obtained at Monster Colosseum and other places for rare items.
Clear the event and collect lots of Event Chips!

  ※ The shop lineup will be updated regularly in conjunction with the event.
  ※ Exchanges are possible even outside the event period.
  ※ Event Chips will be carried over even after the end of the event in which they were obtained.
  ※ Not all items can be exchanged in a single event.

New features

  ※ This is possible by linking the same account.
  ※ Please note that paid currency cannot be shared.

  ※ Similar to Quick Save, your data will be reset when you download an update.

Product review

  ※ Please note that there is no change in what is given to products purchased before the price change.

Fixes and Improvements

The following problems will be fixed by the update

Denpa Men Box

Denpa Men Catch







Please avoid these issues until the update is available.

Quick Save data will be reset when the version is upgraded.

We apologise for the inconvenience, but please take action such as finishing the adventure in advance.

Thank you for your continued support of THE NEW DENPA MEN.

©2024 Genius Sonority Inc.